Modern software development with the ITK CI/CD toolchain

What does it take to be agile enough to develop premium software, tame mounting complexity, and satisfy the rigorous demands of safety-critical applications – and all while defying the pressure of rapid release cycles? We have the answer – a toolbox brimming with state-of-the-art agile development assets such as ITK CI/CD toolchain developed by our experts at ITK.

The CI/CD toolchain in the V-development model with coverage from the software unit test to the system qualification test.

An integrated toolchain for abiding software development success

Continuous integration and continuous delivery methods are excellent ways of detecting and fixing bugs at every stage of quality assurance and testing. This is why the CI/CD toolchain is such a valuable asset for custom developments – it supports these efforts from the inceptive phase. Of course, the technical architecture is instrumental in enabling this state-of-the-art method of efficient software development.

Putting companies on the path to achieving and sustaining long-term market success, the benefits of CI/CD extend across the development cycle. It

German safety certification for the ITK CI/CD toolchain

TÜV SÜD, a German independent Technical Inspection Association, certified ITK’s toolchain to the TCL1 standard (up to ASIL D). The product of a modern software engineering culture, it provides an agile, transparent, and uniform path for ITK Engineering developers to follow. Of course, we apply this certified toolchain in our development projects in Japan, but we also advise customers who wish to engineer toolchains of their own tailored to their particular needs.


Illuminated bulb icon with gear wheel

Complex & safety-critical software

Icon Infinity

Fast development cycles

Certified toolchain

Certified toolchain